They Said What?!

Documenting our lived experiences with medical gaslighting, dismissal and misogyny when it comes to endometriosis, adenomyosis and other women’s health conditions.

You are not alone

Share your story

We are seeking as many examples of medical misogyny, gaslighting and dismissal as possible. If you feel able to, please do share your own experiences below (you can submit multiple entries) and share with your friends, family, anyone who may have had a similar experience.


You can see examples of previous submissions on the They Said What?! Instagram page.

Submit your experience

Contribute to the They Said What?! project Here

By contributing your experience you agree to it being shared on the They Said What?! Project Instagram page, and for it to be used in our research project documenting examples of medical gaslighting in endometriosis and women’s health care. 

Every single submission will be treated with the utmost respect and care. You can choose to remain anonymous.